Woman studying

Welcome on Board: The Bonds of Boarding School

A common misconception about boarding schools is the overly strict environment, where military discipline or religious fervour dominate. On the contrary, that’s simply not the case.

There are actually several types of boarding schools and such a generalised view does not apply in all settings.

Regardless of what kind of boarding school you find, these institutions will allow different ideas to flourish, allowing students to pursue their interests and who they want to be. While engaging them intellectually, boarding schools also provide students with a supportive environment to develop their potential.

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of boarding school from both an academic and social perspective.

An Ideal Learning Environment

Boarding schools are more than just residential private schools. They provide a host of facilities that are geared towards optimal learning experiences. Students can discover or further hone their skills in art and cultural centres, well-equipped, gymnasiums, extensive libraries, and others.

Beyond the facilities, boarding schools also feature a rigorous curriculum that values both academic performance and extra-curricular activities. Students encounter high-level coursework that prepares them for post-secondary education. In addition, students are expected to be deeply involved in various school clubs and activities where they can apply what they’ve learned in the classroom.

Boarding schools also have a roster of highly trained academic experts who effectively guide students through their respective learning objectives. But more than just being teachers, these professionals also act as mentors and coaches that inspire young people to do their best and to treat mistakes as learning opportunities.

Strengthening Social Skills

Studying with friends

Whether it’s international boarding schools in Singapore, London, or elsewhere, students are adept at navigating the different social environments.

Since they live, study, and go about their lives on school grounds, students put in a position where they become solely responsible for their relationships with other people. This helps them think of how they want their peers (as well as their teachers) to perceive them and how they want to form friendships and meaningful bonds.

As they facilitate interactions on their own, students start gaining more confidence in themselves. Being apart from family and friends back home can be quite difficult. As such, learning how to make new connections in a new environment can show students that they actually have what it takes to be independent.

With new friends and companions, students also learn to ask for support from their peers. The extended periods spent together as a community encourages students to seek others for advice and support. Shared experiences in academics, extracurriculars, or other aspects bring students closer and help them see the different approaches that may or may not work.

Early Preparation For College and the Real World

For parents, boarding schools present an opportunity to provide their children with a holistic educational experience.

For students, they are a step closer to being more prepared for higher education and beyond. The academic training and the bonds they build will last long into the future, helping them thrive in their professional and personal lives.

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