family being creative together

When Should Children Start Going to School?

  • Cognitive milestones of children can start in toddlerhood and develop further with professional childcare services.
  • Kindergarten programs typically begin around 5-6, focusing on foundational skills such as literacy and numeracy.
  • Consider individual readiness when determining the right time to start schooling, including social, emotional, and cognitive development.
  • Early intervention is essential for special needs or developmental delays, necessitating professional consultation.
  • Starting early provides numerous benefits, such as building a strong foundation, developing a love of learning, and preparing for the future.

As parents, you may wonder how early you should begin teaching your children. You might worry that starting too early may put undue pressure on your children or that not starting early enough could lead to them falling behind. However, research suggests that the earlier you start teaching your children, the better their chances of success in life.f

Cognitive Milestones of Children

The cognitive milestones of children can start as early as toddlerhood. They learn their social cognitions by learning with each other, making professional childcare services valuable. These services can help toddlers and children interact with their peers and develop the skills necessary to interact with others.

By preschool age, children can begin learning how to read and write, practice basic math concepts, understand science principles, and learn language. They are also able to build relationships and communicate effectively with others.

When children get older, they are capable of more complex thinking, such as problem-solving. But when should you start teaching and enrolling your child in school?

Child in school learning

The Right Time For School

The age at which you should start teaching and enrolling your child in school can vary depending on several factors, including local educational regulations, cultural norms, and the child’s readiness. Here are some general guidelines:

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education typically begins between the ages of 3 and 5, depending on the country and educational system. Preschool or pre-kindergarten programs provide a structured learning environment where children engage in age-appropriate activities, social interactions, and foundational learning experiences. These programs focus on developing early literacy, numeracy, and social skills and preparing children for formal schooling.


In many countries, kindergarten serves as the entry point to formal education. Kindergarten programs generally start around the age of 5 or 6. These programs introduce children to more structured learning environments, academic subjects, and classroom routines. Kindergarten typically focuses on foundational skills such as reading, writing, basic math concepts, and social development.

Consider Individual Readiness

While there are general age guidelines, it’s essential to consider your child’s readiness for school. Children develop at different rates, and their social, emotional, and cognitive readiness should be considered. Some children may be ready for formal schooling earlier, while others may benefit from additional time in less formal educational settings or play-based learning environments.

Early Intervention and Special Needs

If your child has special needs or developmental delays, early intervention services can be crucial to their educational journey. In such cases, it’s important to consult with professionals, including pediatricians, educators, and specialists, to determine the appropriate age and type of educational support your child may require.

Parental Involvement

Regardless of the age at which formal schooling begins, parents play a vital role in their child’s early education. Engaging in educational activities at home, reading together, fostering curiosity, and providing a nurturing learning environment are all important for a child’s development.

Learning child at home

The Benefits of Starting Early

Knowing the benefits of starting early regarding your children’s education is also important. Here are some of them:

Building a Strong Foundation

Early learning can help children build a strong foundation and develop basic cognitive and social skills before they enter school. Studies show that children who receive early learning interventions perform better academically and socially than those who do not.

Developing a Love of Learning

Early learning can help children develop a love for learning that will stay with them throughout their lives. Children who enjoy learning at a young age become more motivated and more likely to succeed academically.

Improving Cognitive and Social Skills

Early learning can foster the development of cognitive and social skills that are critical for success in school and life. Children who receive early education have better language development, reading and math skills, and stronger social skills than those who do not.

Closing The Achievement Gap

Early learning can help close the achievement gap between children from low-income families and their more affluent peers. By providing early education to all children, regardless of their socioeconomic background, we can help to level the playing field and give every child an equal chance to succeed.

Preparing For The Future

Early learning can help prepare children for the future by teaching them skills that will be useful throughout their lives. Early education can provide children with the tools they need to succeed in the workforce and their personal lives, giving them the best chance of success in the future.

Your children’s education is important to their development and future success, so ensuring they receive the best start possible is essential. Starting early can help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the classroom and beyond. With the right resources and support, you can ensure your children get off to a great start in life.

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